Make an EOFY donation to support victims of domestic violence in Bhutan ✨
Happy news bring you happy greetings for a Happy Festive Season ✨
Greetings from Pokhara ✨
The Closing of our sister association in Finland 🙏
We have a healthy knee!
We have a newly constructed knee
It was the 9th of May when a very brave, resilient and strong Manish here underwent a challenging knee construction surgery in Kathmandu. The operation went well and he is now in rehab, on the slow and steady path of recovery, being nicely cared for by our loving family in Pokhara
From the bottom of our hearts, we would like to thank you all for making this possible This was a truly global operation involving a whole team of orthopaedic surgeons from Melbourne to the best on ground in Nepal. Not to mention the funds from all over the world which were available only because of your love, care and kindness
Thank you for giving Manish a new, healthy future
The Ceremonial Closing of the Onni Project 🙏
Meet Roshni 🧡
Meet Roshni Roshni is one of our Onni graduates. We tell her story with her permission.
Roshni came to us in 2008 as the first Onni girl. She was about to turn six.
From day one she was the bright sunshine who lights up the room everywhere she goes. Her sparkling smile, happy chatter, gleaming giggles, lingering laughter and witty way of looking at the world instantly had her in the heart of Onni family. Before getting a permanent home with us, Roshni had spent some months in a local rescue centre for girls who had been saved from child sex trafficking. She was unharmed but had heard stories and seen destinities no child should ever come across.
We will never forget the very first night at Onni when the sun had set and dinner was cooking on Punam’s stove. We were all sitting under the dim lights, the cool evening breeze was whispering in from the open windows while the generator kept on humming in the distance.. We were all getting to know each other, every little heart beating a little nervous and shy. Suddenly there was this young lady who stood up and started dancing. So brave. So beautiful. So Roshni.
Biraj who was our in-house teacher at the time instantly grabbed his fipple flute and started playing ”resham firiri” - a song that anyone who’s ever been to Nepal will know instantly.. One by one all the children stood up and soon we were all dancing and clapping to this familiar tune. Suddenly there was so much love under the dim lights. The ice had melted. The little blue house had become a home. Onni was born
Throughout the years at Onni, we were privileged to watch Roshni continue to flourish and grow to be the incredible young lady she is today. Since day one Roshni has been the strong one, the one who always gets stuff sorted. If we ever needed anything done, we would send Roshni. If we ever needed answers to tricky questions, we would ask Roshni. If we ever needed to get matters resolved, we would trust Roshni’s judgement. If we ever needed to count on someone, we could always lean on Roshni’s wisdom and wit.
Today Roshni works as a Montessori teacher in Pokhara, a job she loves and which also provides her a private room as part of the work contract. After graduating from Year 12 with great grades in December 2021, Roshni also started university studies with Bachelor of Education at the same college with her Onni counterparts.
Words can’t express how incredibly proud and grateful we are for Roshni. She is a true manifestation of our dreams and hopes now coming to fruition after 14 years - a strong independent young woman about to conquer the world! Alongside her Onni siblings she is the reason ”why” we set up to do this work in the first place.
We thank YOU for all your support on the journey with these children and look forward to sharing many more stories of success with you in the future. As always, we send a very special thank you to our in-country partner organisation Namaste Community Foundation, whose wonderful daily work and commitment have made this all possible
Meet our Waling Trio 🧡
Meet Dal Bahadur, Indra Kala and Shova
Our one and only ”Waling Trio”, and now also our Onni graduates. We tell their story with their permission.
These siblings came to us 14 years ago. To meet them was a lucky coincidence. We were on a field trip visiting a family whose child later joined our scholarship program, when a local social worker urged us to visit this other family up the hill. She told us their heartbreaking story. The hill was steep, the sun was already setting but we knew we needed to meet them.
Throughout the years at Onni we were privileged to watch these siblings grow and begin to flourish. Since day one, it was like watching beautiful flowers gently opening up and starting to reach for the sun. Dal soon became the leader of the Onni pack, the firm and formative, yet gentle big brother of the house while Indra took a quiet, caring and loving role of a big sister. Young Shova has always been a natural leader just like her elder siblings, always curious and keen to learn new things, asking questions about the world around her and keeping us in awe with her academic excellence and young intelligence.
Today Dal, Indra and Shova are happy, successful, capable and confident young adults sharing a beautiful little house and independent life together. Dal and Indra have both commenced university studies, and to earn some extra income, they are both teaching elementary students outside university hours. Shova got selected to study Year 11 and 12 in an exclusive law stream, which is not for the faint-hearted. Only the very best Year 10 graduates are chosen for this special college program.
Words can not express how incredibly proud and grateful we are for these young ones. To see our work come full circle like this is exactly what we set out to achieve in the beginning - this is our dream coming to fruition.
We thank YOU for all your support on the journey with these children and look forward to sharing many more stories of success in the future. As always, we send a very special thank you to our in-country partner organisation Namaste Community Foundation, whose wonderful daily work and commitment has made this all possible 🧡
More Year 10 Graduates ❣❣❣
Greetings from Pokhara🧡
Happy New Year 2022
Meet Kiran 🧡
Meet Deu Maya 🧡
Another 5 students graduate Year 10
Immediate Relief for Covid-19 and Floods' Victims
We are happy to share with you that Wind of Change has been involved in helping families affected by the devastating floods in the Bhalam area near Pokhara. 12 desperate families (67 people) received basic food supplies such as rice, lentils, cooking oils and spices. We have also donated some essential items for two community health posts, who are helping the villagers to fight Covid-19 with basic sanitary items from face masks and shields to hand sanitiser, gloves and oximeters.
Thank you for your continuous support toward our work in Nepal.
Devastating Floods
Devastation in Nepal
Meet Aasish ❤
So proud to present our first Year 12 graduates
Visit to Seinäjoki Soroptimists
Happy Dashain Nepal!
Happy Dashain to everyone who celebrates
The festival that usually brings families together from near and far to gather around this auspicious time of worship and big celebrations. This year it will be different. But nonetheless we will carry the love and memories of our loved ones in our hearts. All our children will celebrate together.
One more 10th Grade Graduate for the Onni Project
We are beyond delighted to share some wonderful news with you in these otherwise tough times. One of our Onni girls has officially passed her Secondary Education Examination with an excellent GPA of 3.45.
The SEE is a major academic challenge every Nepali student needs to undertake in Grade 10 to graduate from school. From here on it’s a personal choice for the next path - whether to proceed with Grade 11 and 12 or engage in vocational training or the workforce.
We are so incredibly proud of our hardworking students!
Wind of Change reaches out in the fight against Covid-19
The current situation strikes hard globally, but no doubt disadvantaged countries like Nepal can experience the potentially devastating consequences harder still.
In this long fight against Covid-19, Wind of Change has pledged further support to the people of Nepal by participating in the funding of 73 PPE packages (Personal Protective Equipment) and 5000 face masks for the front line healthcare workers in Gandaki Hospital, the only government hospital in the Pokhara region attending to the virus.
A big thank you to our wonderful partner Namaste Community Foundation for being a key participant administering this support whilst always working tirelessly to enable life and justice across the social spectrum.
11 Year Anniversary Celebrations
And so has another year officially elapsed with our projects in Nepal! Children are becoming young adults, students are slowly becoming graduates and us adults - well, nothing's changed right! However, we are increasingly proud of our wonderful bunch of youngsters..
On the 26th of October we packed the jeep full of food and goodies, filled up a bus with loud singing and cheering, and headed outside the city's huzzle and buzzle to the peaceful Dipang Lake for a picnic and a play. The park quickly filled up with music and dancing, heated games and lots of laughter! A heartfelt thank you to all of you, who have been walking this incredible journey with us. Without your continuous support none of this would've been possible.
Congratulations to our further 3 Secondary School Graduates!
So incredibly proud of our 3 Onni Graduates who after a hard year of studying on Grade 10 have passed their Secondary Education Exams with flying colours. Next step for all of them will be commencing Higher Secondary School with year 11 and 12.
Yet it still feels like yesterday when we almost 11 years ago walked to school together for the very first time, for their very first day at Fishtail Academy..
The World is Your Oyster!
Scholarship Distribution Day at NCF
Providing a child an opportunity to Education is at the core of our work.
Wind of Change is a proud supporter of this great program that provides financial and medical assistance to allow children from disadvantaged backgrounds to continue their education in circumstances where otherwise their families could not afford to send them to school, and they may become vulnerable for child labour, begging or human trafficking.
Thank you all for supporting us to support them!
Happy Holi
During this ‘Festival of Colours’ all people - young and old - throw colour powder and water to each other on the streets. This Hindu festival signifies the victory of good over evil, the arrival of spring, end of winter, and for many a festive day to meet others, play and laugh, forget and forgive, and repair broken relationships. And of course, indulge in good food as always!
Wind of Change Celebrates 10 years of successful work in Nepal
26th of October 2008 was the day we first cut the ribbon of Onni Children's House, the little blue house in Pokhara that later became our flagship project. That day 11 disadvantaged children started a new life with access to education, safety, health and well-being and unconditional love. Later growing to 16 children, Onni Children's House has been a home and safe haven for these young ones to grow and develop towards adulthood in a supportive environment. Today 10 years later we have intelligent, brave, capable and caring young adults in our hands who now have every opportunity to do well in their independent life. In the meanwhile we have also been providing education to children who live at home through a Scholarship Program as well as been involved in running a very successful Hearing Clinic for beneficiaries with hearing loss or impairment.
We are massively grateful for these years, especially to our dedicated local staff as well as our partner organisation Namaste Community Foundation. They've done an amazing job with everything. And as always, a huge thank you to all our supporters from all over the world without whom our work would have never been possible.
Scholarship Distribution Day
Another successful Scholarship Distribution Day at Namaste Community Foundation.
Wind of Change is a proud supporter of this great program that provides financial and medical assistance to allow children from disadvantaged backgrounds to continue their education in circumstances where otherwise their families could not afford to send them to school, and they may become vulnerable for child labour, begging or human trafficking.
Thank you all for supporting us to support them!
Wind of Change International Newsletters
Opening of a New Chapter for Onni Children's House
While Nepal celebrates Dashain, one of the biggest Hindu festivals of the year, our wonderful journey in the Onni Children's House current property is slowly coming to an end. As the house lease is expiring, the children and staff of Onni will be moving into Namaste Community Foundation's House near by to join their existing team of 17 children, staff and management. NCF has been our local partner since the very beginning in 2008 and we look forward to the future together now under the same roof as well. The official Farewell party at Onni will be held on Sunday 15th of October. All our Onni family and friends are warmly welcomed to join these memorable celebrations!
Scholarship Program Distribution Day
While the new Academic Year 2017 is commencing in Nepal, the annual Scholarship Program Distribution Day took place at Namaste Community Foundation.
Every year children who are supported through this education initiative receive new school supplies from books and stationary to bags and clothes but also get their tuition fees and any medical expenses reimbursed.
We are a proud supporter of this great initiative that provides financial assistance to allow children from disadvantaged backgrounds to continue their education in circumstances where otherwise their families could not afford to send them to school, and they may become vulnerable for child labour, begging or human trafficking.
Education, especially for girls, really is the key to a future with choice and a voice!
Wind of Change Newsletters
Happy Holi Nepal!
On 12th of March Nepal celebrated the festival of colours. Holi is one of the main - and the messiest - festivals of Hindus. Holi welcomes the spring, the colourful season with colourful powders and coloured water people throw at each other. The streets become a colourful warzone for a day while buildings, animals, people of all ages, clothes and faces get covered with a mountain of colours and playful fighting. The Onni boys in the photo started creatively with some incredible face paintings which later on ended up all smeared into one big happy mess. Indeed after taking part in Holi celebrations you're bound to find the coloured powder deep inside your ears and nose for weeks to come!
Onni's Name Day 28th of February
Today is the official name day for "Onni" in Finland. The name means "Happiness" but also brings to mind an image of a healthy and happy young child with round, rosy cheeks.. Who would have thought 9 years ago just how well this name will come to resemble the incredible journey of Onni Children's House in Nepal.
Wind of Change News
Onni Children's House 8th Anniversary
On the 26th of October we celebrated the 8th birthday of Onni. These 8 years together have been eventful, full of fun and laughter. At the same time they've been full of growth and learning for all. During these wonderful years we have become such a close family where everyone knows their special place and role - and extended across and beyond international spheres with volunteers and friends all over the world.
At Onni we have now 15 children who have grown up to be such great characters; confident, intelligent, caring and funny young people - which is not at all surprising when you look at our amazing Onni-staff who look after these children and care for them with every step of the way. We are very proud and so grateful for all these years.
One Year Anniversary of the Earthquake
One year after the worst natural disaster in Nepal's modern history, people in the earthquake affected areas remain victims of political self-interest and inaction.
A Fortunate Farewell..
We welcome Nepali new year 2073 with some very happy news. One of the children at Onni Children's House has been reunited with his mother again, a mother who according to all official reports did not exist anymore. Arbin and his family are over the moon and while we will miss Arbin dearly, we salute life with all of its surprises. We wish Arbin all the best for the future years and look forward to watching him grow.
Happy Holi Nepal!
On the 22nd of March we celebrated Holi. The festival of colour. The festival of sharing love.
"A carnival of colours where participants play, chase and colour each other with dry powder and coloured water, with some carrying water guns and coloured water-filled balloons for their water fight. Anyone and everyone is fair game, friend or stranger, rich or poor, man or woman, children and elders. The frolic and fight with colours occurs in the open streets, open parks, outside temples and buildings. Groups carry drums and other musical instruments, go from place to place, sing and dance."
Wind of Change News
7th Anniversary of Onni
26th of October marked the 7th Anniversary for Onni Children's House. Due to the hard economic and political situation in Nepal at the moment, this year we decided to keep the celebrations small. A little bit of cake, a little bit of Nepali dance but a lot of appreciation for the wonderful 7 years together!
The crisis situation in Nepal deepens
Disagreements over Nepal's new Constitution has brought the country to a standstill. Nearly two months of blockades and protests in the Terai region have stalled the economy, brought transport to a stoppage and led to spiralling prices. Experts say the impact on the economy is worse than the Earthquake.
Wind of Change News
June 2015
Education Relief Program
Tens of thousands of children remain vulnerable after the earthquake. Hundreds of schools have been destroyed or are unsafe to use. There are temporary school establishment being used in the hope that these children could at least continue their regular schooling after the devastating events. Read more.
May 2015
Wind of Change reaches out for the Earthquake Victims
In the face of the trauma and devastation, together with our partner organisations on the ground, NCF Nepal and Namaste Foundation (The Netherlands), we were able to join in the international efforts to help the earthquake victims. After a day-long drive on difficult roads we reached the remote district of Sindhupalchowk, an area east of Kathmandu where most destruction and the highest casualties were reported, to deliver emergency aid packages and tents to the most affected families. Read more.
April 2015
Earthquake Response
On Anzac Day 25th of April, a 7.9 magnitude Earthquake hit Nepal killing over 8000 people, and leaving hundreds of thousands homeless, vulnerable and scared. The fear of the unknown accentuated further when only 17 days later the country was struck by a very strong aftershock with a magnitude of 7.3, causing a lot less damage but still more loss of life and increasing uncertainty and fear in people's minds. Read more.